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DC Water

DC Water receives 1st 100% biodiesel vehicle from EPA’s Diesel Emissions Reduction Act program grant

Photo: DC Water

DC Water announced June 21 that it has received its first of 12 B100 vehicles from the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act program grant that will replace 13 existing diesel vehicles.

The Greater Washington Region Clean Cities Coalition and DC Water secured the funds from U.S. EPA’s DERA program in 2021 to purchase 12 trucks equipped with Optimus Technologies’ 100 percent biodiesel (B100) advanced fuel-system technology.

A combo vac unit was deployed with DC Water May 18.

This is the first step in the DERA grant’s goal to retire 13 of DC Water’s diesel-powered vehicles, replacing them with 12 B100 vehicles by the end of 2024.

This effort is projected to reduce DC Water’s greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions by 76 percent (98.3 metric tons), the equivalent of removing 21.4 passenger cars or planting 1,625 trees.

In addition, the project will reduce harmful particulate matter known to cause cancer, asthma and lung-related issues by 97 percent.

The vehicles will also reduce nitrogen oxides known to cause low-level ozone damage by 94 percent, according to DC Water, among other harmful air emissions.

Implemented across 31 zip codes in Washington, D.C., this project will reduce U.S. dependence on imported petroleum, demonstrate cost–effective energy efficiency, and improve air quality in the district and greater Washington region.

“We are thankful to the EPA for providing the grant funding and the Greater Washington Region Clean Cities Coalition for partnering with us to add these clean-energy vehicles to our fleet,” said Maureen Holman, vice president of shared services for DC Water. “They will help us further reduce our carbon footprint and support our strategic imperative to be a more sustainable organization.”

Antoine M. Thompson, GWRCCC executive director, added, “Transitioning large fleets in the region to clean transportation fuels takes time, but the greater Washington region will be a cleaner, healthier place because of it. Reducing greenhouse-gas emissions improves health outcomes for [those] most at risk, reducing the likelihood of negative health implications from carbon and diesel emissions. GWRCCC is excited to see tangible results of our partnership with DC Water and the EPA come to fruition.”

Other project partners include fuel supplier Chevron Renewable Energy Group, and public-outreach partners Metropolitan Washington Council of Government, the Clean Fuels Alliance Foundation, and Clean Fuels Alliance America.



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