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Japan Airlines

Japan Airlines launches corporate SAF program to certify, contribute to customers’ carbon-reduction efforts

Japan Airlines announced April 3 that it will launch a new business program called “JAL Corporate SAF Program” this month, which certifies the environmental value of CO2 reduction achieved through the use of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and provides it to corporate customers in Japan using Japan Airlines flights.


Japan Airlines has been working on reducing its direct (scope 1) CO2 emissions from aircraft operations and indirect (scope 2) CO2 emissions.


With this new program, Japan Airlines will also contribute to the reduction of scope 3 (emissions of other companies related to its own activities) for corporate customers.


Through this program, Japan Airlines will calculate and manage the amount of CO2-reduction data based on SAF certificates that indicate the CO2-reduction rate achieved by using SAF.


These CO2-reduction certificates will be issued and sold to corporate customers who require the environmental value.


The certificates ensure transparency and social credibility through validation by third-party organizations.


Participation in this program enables corporate customers the visualization and reduction of CO2 emissions based on air-travel usage for cargo transportation and employee business trips.


Additionally, these certificates can be used for disclosing and calculating CO2-emission reduction information required by the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures, CDP and similar organizations.

By joining this program, corporate customers can contribute to sustainable air travel through the promotion and expansion of SAF, aimed at decarbonizing the aviation industry.


The Japan Airlines Group said it is committed to achieving the target of replacing 1 percent of total fuel on board with SAF by 2025 and 10 percent by 2030.


To accomplish this, Japan Airlines will promote the procurement of SAF in Japan and overseas and will further promote the utilization of SAF by collaborating with stakeholders beyond industry boundaries in Japan to manufacture and commercialize domestically produced SAF.



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