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Advanced Biofuels Canada

Advanced Biofuels Canada responds to release of final Clean Fuel Regulations

Updated: Jul 13, 2022

Advanced Biofuels Canada (ABFC) released its response June 30 to the government of Canada’s publication of the final Clean Fuel Regulations. Confirmation of previous, and updated, elements from the December 2020 draft CFR include:

- Reduction requirement of 14 gm CO2e/MJ by 2030 for gasoline and diesel (approximately a 15 percent reduction)

- Coming into force date of July 1, 2023

- Biofuel sustainability criteria aligned with North American requirements

- Opt-in eligibility for sustainable aviation fuel

“The completion of the CFR strengthens climate action policies in Canada,” said ABFC President Ian Thomson. “By establishing a national credit market for clean fuels, the regulation will support investments in clean fuel production capacity and infrastructure and create stable, well-paying clean-energy jobs. Consumers will have more clean fuel purchasing opportunities, including advanced biofuels, synthetic fuels, renewable natural gas, renewable electricity, and clean hydrogen. As we’ve witnessed in established clean fuel standard markets, enhanced competition between fuel marketers will relieve high prices at the pumps for gasoline and diesel fuels.”

Thomson noted that, with this regulation, Canada will adopt measures to ensure that clean fuels used in Canada meet rigorous environmental and sustainability standards, protections that will safeguard ecosystems and allow for responsible development of clean-fuel technologies.

“It’s increasingly evident that the transition to zero-emission transportation will see significant reliance on low carbon-intensity fuels in internal combustion engines for decades to come,” Thomson said. “Decarbonizing today’s fleet of cars, trucks, airplanes, ships, and locomotives will require rapid expansion of clean liquid fuels. The CFR will ensure that the clean fuels used in Canada protect wildlife habitats, avoid damaging impacts, and carefully steward our agricultural and forested lands.” Thomson applauded the combined efforts of governments and stakeholders to complete the regulations.

“Jurisdictions like British Columbia, which pioneered Canada’s first low carbon fuel standard, have proven that that clean fuel standards drive down transportation emissions, increase availability and affordability of clean fuels for consumers, and spur clean-energy innovations across the economy,” he said. “Our association looks forward to working with the government of Canada and our clean-fuel colleagues to ensure that implementation of the CFR drives the adoption of nonfossil clean fuels, and that the regulation delivers on its potential to contribute meaningfully to a prosperous, low-carbon economy for our country.” Advanced Biofuels Canada/ Biocarburants avancés Canada is the national voice for producers, distributors and technology developers of advanced biofuels. Its members are Canadian and global leaders in commercial production of a range of synthetic fuels and advanced biofuels from sustainable feedstocks, with more than 16 billion liters (4.2 billion gallons) of installed annual capacity worldwide. Members include Canada’s leading technology innovators, which are actively developing new clean liquid fuels production and distribution assets in Canada.


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