Jun 63 min read
HutanBio hires new head of engineering to accelerate commercial rollout of HBx biofuel platform
To support this key appointment, HutanBio secured office space at the renowned St. Johns Innovation Park as part of its strategic growth.
Chris Norris, GE Aerospace
May 313 min read
GE Aerospace joins consortium to study compatibility of 100% SAF with jet engines
IAEG has formed a new work group to study the impact of 100 percent sustainable aviation fuel on airplane and engine systems.
Aishwarya Krishnamoorthy, NREL
May 295 min read
2 new NREL reports detail research findings on properties of unique FAME made from engineered bacteria
In partnership with ExxonMobil and Genomatica, NREL has studied a unique type of biodiesel made from engineered E. coli bacteria.
Iowa State University
May 282 min read
Valent joins Iowa Soybean Research Center at Iowa State University
A representative from Valent will serve on the center’s industry-advisory council.