Vitol Bunkers takes delivery of 1st biofuel barge in Asia

Vitol Bunkers has taken delivery of the Marine Future, its first specialized bunker barge in Singapore, strengthening its position in Asia’s expanding biofuel bunker market.
The addition of this specialized IMO type 2-notation bunker tanker to the V-Bunkers fleet will uniquely make it possible to supply biofuel blends including B24, B30 and up to B100, depending on customer specifications.
Built in China, Marine Future is 102.6 meters in length and has the capacity to carry about 7,000 metric tons of biofuels.
The current fleet of bunker tankers in Singapore are classified as oil tankers and are therefore restricted to a maximum of 25 percent bio component in biofuel blends.
This new bunker tanker has no such restriction and, as a result, deliver bunker fuels consisting of 100 percent bio component.
Biofuels are a key pathway for the hard-to-abate shipping sector to mitigate emissions.
Biofuel sales in Singapore reached 520,000 tons in 2023, according to the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore, representing a material increase on the prior year in which volumes were 140,000 tons.
“We are delighted to now be able to offer our maritime customers the option to take up to 100 percent bio component bunker fuel here in Singapore and play our part in advancing the port’s decarbonization efforts,” said Mike Muller, head of Vitol Asia.
“Should there be demand, this vessel can also be reconfigured in the future to supply methanol,” he added.
Vitol Bunkers specializes in providing energy solutions to the maritime sector.
Building on Vitol’s longstanding presence across global bunkering markets, it supplies bunker fuels to ship and fleet owners around the world.
V-Bunkers is a leading Singapore-based operator of 20-plus bunker barges.