- The National Biodiesel Board
Science students invited to apply for scholarship to National Biodiesel Conference
The National Biodiesel Board invites university science students with a passion for biodiesel and renewable diesel to apply for an experience that could open doors in their careers. Student members of the Next Generation Scientists for Biodiesel can apply for a scholarship to the 2022 National Biodiesel Conference & Expo. The conference takes place Jan. 17-20, 2022, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Students can also apply to present a poster on their biodiesel-related research or outreach projects. A few poster presenters will be invited to present in a live session. Next Generation Scientists for Biodiesel is an NBB program intended to foster professional relationships between new and established scientists. It also helps share accurate biodiesel information based on science. An additional goal is to increase collaboration between academia and the biodiesel industry.
In addition to presenting in the poster session and breakout session, opportunities include a preconference biodiesel educational overview and a private mentoring mixer with prominent biodiesel scientists.
The scholarship amounts to a $600 travel scholarship and complimentary registration (a $1,200 value).
“The NBB conference was both insightful and inspiring,” said Claire Hampton, who attended the virtual conference last year as an environmental studies student at Bryn Mawr College. “After learning about how biodiesel supports communities through both reducing carbon dioxide and value-added agriculture, I am passionate about biodiesel being the most effective and holistic solution to our current challenges in combating climate change.”
NBB, the United Soybean Board, the National Biodiesel Foundation, and the Kansas Soybean Commission sponsored the scholarships.
Applications are due Nov. 15. Students are encouraged to read through the application form in advance of applying.
Click here to view highlights from the 2020 event.