European discount retailer Action switches 150 trucks to 100% renewable diesel

Action, a European discount chain store, is running its 150 trucks on 100 percent renewable diesel, also called hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO), from its distribution centers in Zwaagdijk and Echt in the Netherlands as of July 11.
“This is an important step in making Actions operations more sustainable by reducing emissions from its trucks by 90 percent,” the company stated.
The switch to renewable diesel follows a successful pilot at the head office in Zwaagdijk where the company investigated the effects of HVO100.
Action is working with a fuel partner at its distribution centers in the Netherlands to supply trucks with HVO100.
In cooperation with this fuel partner, HVO100 is offered at the pump.
This allows truck drivers to refuel effortlessly without interruptions in their daily activities.
The pilot aimed to gain a better understanding of the impact of HVO100 on fuel consumption, truck usage and any technical implications or required modifications.
The positive results of the pilot convinced Action that using HVO100 is a sustainable solution for Action’s entire fleet.
The trucks performed similar or even better on HVO100, there was less smell when refueling and fuel consumption did not increase.
The pilot, which involved 10 trucks, ran from July 2021 to March 2022.
To eliminate any risk of HVO production contributing to deforestation, Action chose to use a product 100 percent guaranteed to be produced from recycled vegetable oils, such as used frying oil.
The HVO100 used meets EU standards and contributes to a greener future.
Commitment more sustainability
By switching to HVO100, Action contributes to reducing CO2 emissions and helps reduce its impact on the environment.
“Action is pleased to take this important step and continues to strive to deploy more sustainable solutions to reduce its CO2 footprint,” the company stated.