Enerkem, Shell repurpose Rotterdam waste-to-chemicals project into SAF venture

Enerkem and Shell are repurposing their Netherlands waste-to-chemicals project in the Port of Rotterdam—also a partner in the endeavor—into a sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) venture, given all of the recent interest in the clean aviation fuel.
The revised project would process up to 360,000 metric tons per year of “recycling rejects”—defined as low-grade, post-recycling mixed waste—and produce up to 80,000 tons per year of renewable products, about 75 percent of which could be SAF while the rest could be synthetic on-road fuel or feedstock for further chemical refining.
Enerkem’s waste gasification and Shell’s Fischer-Tropsch technologies will be paired together in the endeavor. According to Enerkem, Air Liquide has expressed interest in the project as a supplier of industrial gases.
Enerkem, Shell and the Port of Rotterdam plan to submit a permit application for the revised project by the end of this year.
Upon final investment decisions, construction is expected to take three years, with production anticipated in 2025 or 2026.