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Bipartisan group of senators reintroduces Farm to Fly Act to expand SAF production, use

The Office of Sen. Jerry Moran

U.S. Sens. Jerry Moran, R-Kansas; Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa; Tammy Duckworth, D-Illinois; Pete Ricketts, R-Nebraska; Amy Klobuchar, D-Minnesota; and Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, recently reintroduced legislation that would help accelerate the production and development of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) through existing USDA programs to allow further growth for alternative fuels to be used in the aviation sector and create new markets for American farmers.   

The Farm to Fly Act would utilize current USDA programs to support the development of SAF, clarify federal definitions for SAF and enable greater collaboration between USDA and the private sector.  


In September, Sens. Moran, Duckworth, Klobuchar and John Boozman, R-Arkansas, launched the Sustainable Aviation Caucus to promote the longevity of the aviation and renewable fuels industries. 


“Sustainable aviation fuel is a promising alternative fuel source that can provide new markets for farmers while increasing our domestic energy production and security,” Moran said. “This legislation would increase the accessibility of biofuels for commercial use and directly support rural America and its farmers, the agriculture industry and the aviation sector.” 


Grassley added, “Homegrown biofuels are good for Americans’ pocketbooks, the environment and national security. By investing in sustainable aviation fuel, the Farm to Fly Act will expand markets for farmers, onshore American energy production and drive economic growth.” 


The Farm to Fly Act would: 

  • Clarify eligibility for SAF within current USDA bioenergy programs, expanding markets for American agricultural crops through aviation bioenergy.  

  • Provide for greater collaboration for aviation biofuels throughout USDA agency mission areas, increasing private sector partnerships.  

  • Affirm a common definition of SAF for USDA purposes, as widely supported by industry to enable U.S. crops to most effectively contribute to aviation renewable fuels. 


This legislation is also supported by aviation, agriculture and energy leaders. 


“One of the most important things we can do to make American aviation more sustainable is increase the supply of American-grown, American-made sustainable aviation fuel,” Duckworth said, adding that the bill would build on her Sustainable Aviation Fuels Accuracy Act to increase USDA’s collaboration with the aviation biofuels sector and expand the market for SAF.  


“The Farm to Fly Act will be key to one of the newest soybean market opportunities really taking flight,” said Scott Gigstad, president of the Kansas Soybean Association. “As airlines look to reduce emissions, sustainably grown Kansas soybeans will play a key role.”   

Emily Skor, CEO of Growth Energy, said, “The Farm to Fly Act is even more important now than it was in the last Congress, as the entire rural economy is currently facing a period of significant financial strain.”    

Cherie Wilson with Delta Air Lines added, “SAF is the most important lever we have today to decarbonize aviation, but it can also become the fuel that helps power America’s economic engine by creating good-paying jobs in the agricultural, feedstock production, construction and manufacturing sectors. SAF is not only a certain job creator, but scaling the SAF market here in the U.S. will reduce U.S. reliance on foreign energy sources and increase our global industrial competitiveness.” 

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