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The Iowa Renewable Fuels Association

Biofuels vision solidified for Haley


Nikki Haley is now the second candidate currently campaigning in Iowa for the Republican nomination to take a positive position on all eight topics vital to the future of Iowa farmers and biofuels producers.


Haley was recently asked by a voter about the battle over carbon-intensity scoring and she pledged to look into the issue and respond.


A few days later Haley issued a statement supporting the U.S. Argonne National Laboratory GREET model over a European model that unfairly discriminates against farm products.


“Ambassador Haley has shown she is dedicated to listening to Iowa farmers, learning and educating herself about the promise biofuels hold for the future,” said Brad Wilson, vice president of the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association and the president and general manager of Western Iowa Energy, a biodiesel-producing company headquartered in Wall Lake, Iowa. “We appreciate her support on the key issues facing farmers and biofuels producers. With the right leadership, the Midwest can play a prominent role in meeting America’s energy needs.”


Grant Kimberley, the senior director of market development for the Iowa Soybean Association and executive director of the Iowa Biodiesel Board, said, “We commend Nikki Haley for showing her support for biofuels like biodiesel, and in particular for standing up for the Renewable Fuel Standard, which is one of the most successful energy policies in U.S. history. It’s vital that the person serving as president understands the contributions that biofuels make not only to Iowa’s economy and farm families, but to the nation at large through a cleaner, more diverse energy supply produced here at home.”


Jolene Riessen, a farmer from Ida Grove and president of the Iowa Corn Growers Association, added, “We know ethanol is at the forefront of the fuel market as a leader in sustainability, that’s why the support of the U.S. Argonne National Laboratory GREET model is of such importance by presidential candidates like Nikki Haley. By incorporating a fairer playing field when it comes to renewable fuels, we can gain the recognition we deserve as farmers for producing America’s homegrown, more affordable, readily available fuel option—ethanol.” 


While Iowa is home to first-in-the-nation caucuses, it is also the leading state in biofuel production.


In 2022, Iowa produced 4.5 billion gallons of ethanol and 349 million gallons of biodiesel.


Those production levels accounted for nearly $7.2 billion of Iowa’s gross domestic product, generated $3.5 billion of income for Iowa households and supported more than 57,000 jobs throughout the Iowa economy.


Haley follows Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in adopting a biofuels vision as they campaign for the Republican nomination.


As of today, all Republican candidates who are actively campaigning in Iowa support a growing role for biofuels and a permanent national year-round E15 fix, while opposing laws and regulations that directly or indirectly mandate electric-vehicle (EV) purchases.


Information on all eight priority issues and where candidates stand can be found at


“While we are excited that two candidates have taken positive positions on all eight of our priority issues, there is still time for other candidates to join them prior to the Iowa caucuses Jan. 15,” Wilson said.


Biofuels Vision 2024 is a coalition of Iowa organizations and citizens tracking candidates’ stances on eight issues vital to the future of biofuels and the Iowa economy.


The coalition does not endorse or rank candidates.



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