
2 days ago2 min read
Power2X awards Worley contract for its eFuels Rotterdam project
The Netherlands-based project is being scaled at 250,000 metric tons per year and is expected to be operational by 2030.

Nov 25, 20242 min read
CTI-Maritec identifies cashew-nut shell liquid as source of ship problems in Singapore, Rotterdam
In the past few months, several ships in Singapore and Rotterdam reported fuel sludging, injector failure, filter clogging and other issues.

Ron Kotrba
Nov 13, 20241 min read
Fire halts Neste’s renewable diesel production in Rotterdam following equipment failure in Singapore
Neste’s renewable diesel production is now offline in both Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and Singapore.

Oct 18, 20243 min read
Power2X partners with Advario to develop world-scale eSAF hub in Port of Rotterdam
The Power2X eSAF plant will be scaled at 250,000 tons per year. Advario will develop an advanced storage and logistics facility.