
Ron Kotrba
4 days ago2 min read
FutureFuel biodiesel production offline until March at earliest
The firm said an extensive, ongoing turnaround, expiration of the biodiesel tax credit and lack of 45Z guidance are why its plant is idle.

4 days ago2 min read
Waste oils displace palm oil, determine composition of raw materials in Germany’s 2023 GHG-quota year
UFOP stated incentive for fraud through double-counting requires an evaluation of funding conditions.

Ron Kotrba
Jan 303 min read
Biofuel groups congratulate Zeldin on Senate confirmation as new EPA administrator
Zeldin was initially viewed with skepticism as a possible EPA chief due to his record of opposing the RFS and E15.

The Office of Sen. Jerry Moran
Jan 222 min read
Bipartisan group of senators reintroduces Farm to Fly Act to expand SAF production, use
The bill would use current USDA programs to support SAF development and enable greater collaboration between USDA and the private sector.