Freightliner launches market-1st ECO90 booking service

Freightliner announced in early September the launch of its ECO90 booking service, offering customers the ability to move as little as one container across any rail route on a carbon-reduced service utilizing alternative fuels.
Freightliner is the first rail-freight provider to offer a more sustainable solution at a single container level, giving customers—no matter their size or scale—complete flexibility and control to manage and reduce their own carbon emissions.
The ECO90 offer provides a carbon reduction of up to 90 percent when compared with the equivalent movement via diesel rail, while at the same time also contributing to cleaner-quality air in local communities and helping to create more sustainable supply chains.
“We are incredibly proud to be the first in the market to launch our ECO90 service, which gives customers complete flexibility when it comes to moving goods sustainability,” said Freightliner Group CEO Tim Shoveller. “We already know rail is the most sustainable form of freight transportation, reducing carbon emissions by up to 76 percent when compared to road, but we don’t want to just stop there. We want to give our customers the most sustainable options in the market and today we are doing just that by offering up to a 90 percent carbon saving on one single container rail movement with our ECO90 service.”
When customers book an ECO90 movement, the alternative fuels used will be backed by a product-traceability certificate verifying the alternative fuel used is fully traceable and evidence of the materials used to make the fuel are from sustainable sources.
Utilizing Freightliner’s marketing leading Omnia system, customers will also receive their own scope 3 carbon-emissions report and certificate, which can help to support their own carbon-emissions reporting.
The launch of ECO90 booking forms part of Freightliner’s steadfast and long-term commitment to proactively reduce environmental impacts, become a net zero business, enhance ecosystems on Freightliner land as well as respond to climate-related risks and opportunities.